Bandar Chhaap | Creatives & Copy
As we test more products for the [shop](https://bandarchhaap.com/) — because of storage and other logistical nightmares, sweet nightmares as they are — we are now inching toward starting with stationary items only and then move to lifestyle and fashion as we figure out newer vendors. This is not to say that the T-Shirts will not be available. They will be 🙂 But that is it.
List of products under process
A5 Notebooks (Wiro)
A5 Notebooks (Perfect Bound)
A5 Planners
Calendars 2025
Art Posters
A6 Pocket Diary
A6 Postcards
T-Shirts + Crop tops (Mostly blue, black and grey)
Creatives update
After last week I put the Posters to bake for a little while and started on a banner AD for this blog. Its a massive WIP so I dont even think I should share this. But hey! This is what happened in the week, so I have nothing else to show 🙂
Note to the universe — The graphic design needs the touch of the ‘professional’ hehe
The colour palette needs a lot more work 🙂

Branding and Marketing Update
I have been trying the new Google AI Studio to create some copy and other ideas. I think at best these are good starting points to explore on a more human level haha But it also helped me very quickly understand what I dont want in the language. Though truth be told, if I write it or an I, it will still need to be tested.
In the conversation I asked the AI to layer the tone with silliness and exaggerated emotions, to make the scenarios dynamic and engaging, and to define the individual personalities of the three characters.
Samples for One-Liners
Daily dose of cool!!
We don’t solve any problems, but boy, do we look cool.
Warning: May cause uncontrollable fits of awesome.
Uncommon finds for uncommon folks. (Bandar Chhaap)
We’re here to ruin your usual life. (Bandar Chhaap)
Conformity is so last year, transform your style. (Bandar Chhaap)
Goodbye boring. Hello awesome, by force if necessary.
Let’s make something of this mess. (Bandar Chhaap)
Samples of Conversational One-Liners (Character-Driven)
Northat: “Warning: This might make you too cool for your own good. Just saying!”
Whatevs: “Curiosity, huh? Well, good luck trying to resist this chaos. (Bandar Chhaap, duh.)”
Northat: “You think you’re different punk?!”
//Note – I like this direction in general because its more engaging, but this copy is very dry. It needs muchness.
Samples of Character Introductions
— We’re Neitherthis, Northat, and Whatevs – a trio of travelers, collectors, and constant complainers. We gathered so many memories and goodies that we couldn’t hold on to them any longer. So, we created Bandar Chhaap dot com, a place where unique designs and curated arts meet. If you’re looking for a spark of something different, something ‘you,’ then scan the code to start your adventure!
— Step into a world where handmade meets ‘whoa, that’s different.’ Bandar Chhaap is a curation of crafts and art that is both rooted and radically cool. See what we’ve got brewing – just scan the code.
//Note – Here I like the the use of rooted and cool together. But other then that nothing works!
Samples of Scenario Ideas (For Four-Panel Comic or Similar)
The Chai Shop Debrief
The three characters are at a chai shop. One is scrolling on their phone and sighs, then says, “Sab itna boring kyun hai?” The other two look bored and disinterested.
And then a slap comes out of the frame.
Frame shakes. VO (In a heavy voice) — Bandar chhaap try kar na!
Cafe Confrontation
The three characters are sitting at a cafe, with one of them sporting a new t-shirt. The other two raise eyebrows — Where did you get THAT?
— Tere ko nahi bataaunga! (I will not tell you)
Narad, a mythical character comes from the side of the frame — Hum batate hain vatsa…Bandar chaap dot com!!
Repeat after me
A mid shot of a character holding a planner in their hand
— Repeat after me, I can make my life better! I can take control! I am in charge!
Scenario Ideas for Short Ads
I also tried my luck at creating some ads for pasting at cafes. Some of the below options are interesting beginnings.
The Unboxing Ritual:
Panel 1: One of the characters is staring at a blank white wall looking bored.
Panel 2: They are opening a package with a Bandar Chhaap sticker on it, inside is a colorful poster.
Panel 3: They hold it up at the wall, the poster seems to have filled their whole world.
Panel 4: The other two characters peek from the side, and reach for their phones.
- (Copy: *“Turn the mundane into the magnificent. (Bandar Chhaap
- Note – I like the copy more then anything else.
The Planner Prophecy:
Panel 1: One character is looking stressed and confused, they are holding too many notebooks and notepads, looking overwhelmed.
Panel 2: Another character hands them a bright Bandar Chhaap planner.
Panel 3: The first character has a look of surprise and delight, and is now relaxed and calm.
Panel 4: The other characters are looking at each other, wondering what happened.
- (Copy: “Find Your Calm in Chaos (Bandar Chhaap)”)
The Pop-Up Pandemonium:
Panel 1: The friends are just walking around, and there’s a blur of color on the side of the frame.
Panel 2: There’s a Bandar Chhaap pop-up store that’s appeared suddenly.
Panel 3: They’re all staring wide-eyed.
Panel 4: All three are carrying shopping bags with Bandar Chhaap branding on them.
- (Copy: “Unexpectedly Awesome, Just Like Us. (Bandar Chhaap)”)
- //Note – The panels are boring but the copy might be interesting.
Sample Scripts — “The Planner Prophecy”
Version 1:
Panel 1: Northat is surrounded by scattered papers, with a stressed and exasperated look on her face, facepalming. (Emotion: Frustration, overwhelmed).
- “This is such a mess! I can’t deal with this crap.”
Panel 2: Whatevs, with a mischievous grin, throws a brightly colored Bandar Chhaap planner at Northat. (Emotion: Mischief, playful).
- Whatevs says: “Catch!”
Panel 3: Northat catches the planner, her eyes widen in surprise, and then, a slow grin spreads across her face as she flips through the pages. (Emotion: Surprise, delight, then smug).
- She exclaims: “Okay, wait… what is this sorcery?”
Panel 4: Neitherthis and Whatevs are staring with confused faces, mouths agape, as Northat starts happily making checklists with her new planner, while giggling to herself. (Emotion: Confusion, amazement).
- Neitherthis: “Okay, she’s gone full weird now.”
- Whatevs: “Well, I want one now”
Version 2:
//Note – could be a fantasy style comic
Panel 1: Whatevs is sitting on a pile of notebooks and papers, looking like they are about to cry. (Emotion: Despair, hopelessness). They moan, “I can’t deal with this. Just end it.”
Panel 2: Northat, with a mischievous smirk, hands Whatevs a Bandar Chhaap planner in a very dramatic way, almost like a knight handing over a sword. (Emotion: Dramatic, intense). Northat says: “Take this, and become the master of time!”
Panel 3: Whatevs looks up, starts smiling, and starts scribbling stuff down in the planner, the glow on their face is like something magical has happened. (Emotion: Enlightenment, joy, excitement). They respond with: “I can see the light!”
Panel 4: Neitherthis and Northat stare blankly at Whatevs with confused faces, they have taken a step back from the situation. (Emotion: Confusion, concern). Neitherthis: “Okay, you’ve been spending too much time with that weird guy.” Northat: “Yeah, I think this has gone too far.”
Take care 🙂