Now half ashes burn | Visual Development

This post is part of the development for my visual novel — The Thousand Arms of Buddha.*

The thing with illustrating your own book is that you can keep iterating endlessly and never find that ever-illusive look or vibe. Confusion, confusion — No connection!

Some days I am convinced that I should stick to familiar territory; 2D illustrations and design. Which makes sense since I will be more in control of the final product. But then there is Blender! And as I posted last week ‘the world of the mind’, I am keen on blending 2D and 3D to see what comes of it. But time is also of essence.

For the images below I used blender to create a base I was exploring a line style that might be trippy. I like the flowing details. But meh! I am not convinced. The theme of the book is darker and more surreal. And the writing style is a blend of stream of consciousness so this image in that context feels flat right now. I need to more research!!

Another note to self is that the thumbnail above, though cell shaded, is closer to the Two cups illustration below, which I think works as initial explorations. There is something here, just not sure what!

But all that said I have been working on a bunch of development now both for designs and style. Things should get faster moving forward.

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