For the Mind. For the World.
Signals is an eclectic, open source and ever expanding repository of resources to help create layered and informed fictional and speculative worlds and narratives. It is an open source landing page and an organizing structure for my research.
The resources relate to the triple planetary crisis, mental health, science, literary essays, fiction, non-fiction, etc. In other words, if you enjoy reading interesting things online, you'll like Signals.
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Melting Time Capsule
A research on the melting permafrost and its repercussions on the climate.
AI art — A case for introspection
A look at the not so pretty picture of AI art and the canvas that it is painting.
Stolen brains, jugaad against algorithms & our stories of alcoholism
Stories of stealing genius brains, fighting against algorithms, and alcoholism
Solar waste — Policies and End-of-life solution
Policy frameworks and end-of-life solutions for the future of solar PV waste in India.
What are solar pv cells made of again?
A curious breakdown of how solar technology works in currently and its overlooked pitfalls.
Solar waste — A problem from the future
With India posed to handle 34,600 Tonnes of PV waste, how will it tackle it?
Is artificial intelligence the future of assisted suicide?
What is the future of AI and tech assisted end of life treatment and assisted suicide?
Bad therapy, AI and mental health, & Jung’s shadow
The dark side of therapy and its future with AI integration
Green Hydrogen — The Fuel of the Future
India’s plan for Green Hydrogen and the future of fuel
Historically Collective Madness
Some fascinating tales form history that look too similar to out own times.
Stoned apes use psychedelic medicines in the future
Was the future of mental health and addiction championed by Terence McKenna?
2022 Global Marketing Trends, Sustainability & No-code tools for startups
Studying marketing trends and finding automation tools for ironing out my strategy as a fresh startup.
What does AI sentience really mean?
As humans it is appropriate to think of the probabilities that are fathomable before this AI butterfly awakes to peer into our glazed pupils and stub our puny fathoming into the un
Is AI the doom of the creative process or its saviour?
Over the past few months there has been much fear in the art community with the rise of AI tools. But are they justified?
Limb regeneration, Sound waves growing bones and The future of ageing
Researches that inch us closer to defying and demystifying ageing.
Cicada 3301, The future of cyber security and Passwords
Fascinating internet mysteries and the future of cyber security.
The Planets Pulse, Climate change: Vital Signs & The St. Helens Trespasser
Climate change dashboard & Data collection.
The power of slow therapy, Find if you are addicted, & will Brains or algorithms rule science?
“The mind is a very strange place.” Said everyone who ever sat still to witness. This week I was reading about addiction and things about mental health and addiction, and stumb
Policy, data and rights challenges for AI, Metaverse and Open-software
As tech adoptions grows in India, the problems and complications it brings will also increase. This week these articles are focused on future tech.
Battle of the Gauges, Is Crypto a Ponzi Scam & Ghosts of Calcutta
What about the crypto scams? And other stories from the ages.
Doctor Who, Savanna Restoration & Glimpsing the Metaverse
Some very strange stories and how to grow a forest.
The Dig, The Butter Wars & The Dangers of Progress
The roots of India, some butter and redefining progress.
10 Years with Hayao Miyazaki
A documentary series following the great Miyazaki of Studio Ghibli.
Curse of Sliced Bread & HyperNormalisation
Among other reading; one of the most interesting documentaries I have seen - Hypernormalisation!
Fighting leopards, Iron to fight cancer & an essay on learning.
Some cool stories and essays.