Melting Time Capsule
A research on the melting permafrost and its repercussions on the climate.
AI art — A case for introspection
A look at the not so pretty picture of AI art and the canvas that it is painting.
Stolen brains, jugaad against algorithms & our stories of alcoholism
Stories of stealing genius brains, fighting against algorithms, and alcoholism
Solar waste — Policies and End-of-life solution
Policy frameworks and end-of-life solutions for the future of solar PV waste in India.
What are solar pv cells made of again?
A curious breakdown of how solar technology works in currently and its overlooked pitfalls.
Solar waste — A problem from the future
With India posed to handle 34,600 Tonnes of PV waste, how will it tackle it?
Is artificial intelligence the future of assisted suicide?
What is the future of AI and tech assisted end of life treatment and assisted suicide?
Bad therapy, AI and mental health, & Jung’s shadow
The dark side of therapy and its future with AI integration
Green Hydrogen — The Fuel of the Future
India’s plan for Green Hydrogen and the future of fuel
Historically Collective Madness
Some fascinating tales form history that look too similar to out own times.